
Welcome to everyone participating in the 2009 Bible Reading at Beaverton Christian Church -- Jesus, the Law, and the Prophets. Each week, there will be a new article posted with some thoughts about the week's reading. You're invited to share your thoughts about the reading in the comments for the day's post. You can also sign-up on the right to receive these posts by email. A copy of the reading plan is available here.

And don't forget, we're discussing the week's reading on
Sundays at 9:15am, room B-304, at Beaverton Christian Church.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Choice. Deuteronomy 30:15,16a.

(This post is a real journal-type entry. It has stuff about me that I wouldn't normally post -- pretty much because it's boring and, well, personal -- that is, I'm now on the spot. But I want these articles to reflect an honest use of the S.O.A.P. technique, so I'm including it all.)

"Look! I have set before you today life and prosperity on the one hand, and death and disaster on the other. What I am commanding you today is to love the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, and to obey his commandments, his statutes, and his ordinances." (Deut. 30:15,16a)

Just ahead of these words, Moses says, this isn't rocket science. And it really isn't. Two choices: one with a really good outcome, the other... not so much. Love your God, live how he wants you to live. So what's the problem?

Reading this reminded me of my experience when I first started to write some curriculum on how to study the Bible. Every time I worked along for a while, I reached a point where I couldn't go any further because I needed to lose weight. I'm not sure how I arrived at that conclusion, but each time I stopped writing. I didn't lose the weight, but I stopped writing the curriculum. Only to pick it up again later, and repeat the cycle. Somehow, I eventually got past the hang up of losing weight, wrote the curriculum, taught the class.

So here I am again. Two choices. Drop 40 pounds. A really good outcome. Better health, better sleep, etc. Or ...

Choice. Discipline. Transformation. Walking in God's ways is only fully accomplished by Him as our minds are transformed. I know a part of that transformation includes what I eat, how I take care of this body He made just for me. Can't walk with the Rabbi, or run the race to the end, in the shape I'm in. Choice. Discipline. Transformation. I need to love God with heart, soul, mind, and strength. Let this blog be a record of accountability.

God, help me to choose life and prosperity today. And each day. Let it include taking care of my physical well-being and recognition that you are Lord over all my life. Amen.

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