The Word of the Lord came to Jonah, "Get up and go to Nineveh ..."
And so Jonah got up and went ... in the opposite direction.
I admit it. I love that bit. I can imagine those who told the story of Jonah, pausing for effect before delivering the punchline ... Jonah didn't go to Nineveh, but ran away. I can imagine the delight of the listeners, especially the children.
Contrast Jonah with Hosea: When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, he said to him, “Go marry a prostitute ..." So Hosea married Gomer ...(Hosea 1:2a, 3a).
From the moment of Jonah's refusal to obey God's word to him, it's downhill. He went down to Joppa, "went down into it[the ship]", went below, and finally went down into the sea, to the depths.
It's pretty easy to predict that running away from what God wants me to do will lead to trouble. In spite of what we learn later about Jonah's motivation, the questions about what exactly he thought he could accomplish remain. He knew Yahweh is the God of Heaven who made the sea and the dry land, so where was he going? He knew that Yahweh was merciful, so why didn't he remember to pray until the last possible moment?
It's no surprise that Jonah floundered. But I too have been guilty of seeking refuge from what the Lord has in mind for me. So, let's say that for the next week, when it comes to a moment of decision, I'll remember Jonah.
God keep me from reaching a place in my life where getting swallowed by the big fish is rescue.